What is hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is largely exercise-based therapy performed in a heated pool under supervision of a
health professional.

How does it work?
The warmth and tactile sensation of the water are fantastic for relaxing muscles to soothe aches and
pains. The water itself also adds buoyancy – with your body submerged, your body weight, and
therefore load, can be supported by up to 90%. This allows for easier, less painful movement. Your
physiotherapist will be able to determine if you need the water to support you, to relieve pain or
increase flexibility, or to resist you, which can be used to increase strength.

Who will benefit from hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy has been shown to be effective in a range of conditions, including but not limited to:
Low back pain; rheumatoid arthritis; osteoarthritis; people who are at risk of falls; and people with
neurological conditions. It can also be very effective following orthopaedic surgery and aiding people
in returning to work and activities they enjoy.

How do I get into hydrotherapy?
You will first need an assessment with one of our physiotherapists, who along with your goals, will
determine suitability for hydrotherapy, making sure that it is safe for you and that there are no
contraindications or specific precautions. They will then see you in the pool and provide an
individualised program for you. They then will continue to supervise and progress your exercises as

Physioactive utilises two pools in Ipswich. These two pools have different benefits depending on the
individual needs of the client, and as such suitability will be determined in the initial assessment.

1) JUST Leichhardt: 27 Toongarra Road, Leichhardt.
2) Peter McMahon’s swim factory: 1 Martin Street, Woodend.

COVID Safety Notice

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, we recommend that you:

  • Reschedule your appointment for as soon as possible after the 14-day exclusion
  • Self-isolate at home for 14 days (as per the government protocols) after any international travel or if you have had close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 while infectious.
  • Please call your GP if you develop any respiratory symptoms or fever.

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Clinical Pilates is a form of exercise therapy used by our physiotherapists to treat a wide range of injuries and conditions.  By working into your body’s preferred movement, Clinical Pilates improves your mobility, stability, balance, posture and overall function. It is often used in combination with physical therapy as part of your rehabilitation. Read more

COVID-19 has resulted in many of us now required to work from the confines of our homes. For some of us, this may require the creation of makeshift workstations and office spaces from equipment we can scratch up from around home. Whilst the luxury of no early wake ups and avoiding the drive to work may make this worthwhile for many of us, we do take for granted the supportive and comfortable office setups that are present in our normal workplaces. Read more

For our young athletes, these shortened and intense playing seasons, a sudden spike in training loads along with rapid skeletal development puts them at the coalface of potential overuse and load related injuries.

Skeletal Development:

In a growing skeletal system, our bones undergo numerous changes, lead by an increase in bone length and durability.

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With the supermarket shelves bare a little bit of panic is inevitable. This panic can easily upset your hard work when it comes to food. Our Dietitian, Amanda Brady has provided us with some quick tips that can keep your goals on track while life is in hibernation mode:


1. Plan ahead. Download a meal planner and jot down your meals at least 7 days ahead. Use a shopping list that has a meal planner on the same page. This will help keep costs down and make sure you get everything you need in one trip. Read more

🌟A note from our Exercise Physiologist Bridget🌟

Gyms may have temporarily closed their doors, however you shouldn’t close the door on achieving your goals. It is important to continue and modify the way we exercise for both physical and mental health. In these uncertain times, exercise is one of the best ways to keep a positive outlook and to look after our mental health. Here are a few tips for management of exercise while we spend a lot more time in the confines of our own home. Read more