Joined Physioactive 2016
Full Time
Sam has been a physiotherapist at Physioactive since graduating from his Bachelor’s degree with Honours at the University of Queensland. He enjoys treating all musculoskeletal presentations, but particularly enjoys lower limb injuries (including sports injuries), as well as headaches. He strives to return his clients’ quality of life as quickly as possible, whether it be by reducing the often-debilitating effects of headaches or allowing them to mobilise in the manner they most desire – whether it be walking, jogging, running or through the use of aids. In-depth assessments and an individually prescribed exercise program are the cornerstones of his practice, and are the primary tools used to allow his clients to optimise their performance of their chosen sports, careers and daily activities.
He will also treat patients of all ages with different presentations and will use the treatment that will optimise results for each individual. One example of this is that he provides hydrotherapy sessions, in one of the local pools, for people who are too sore or otherwise unable to participate in a home- or gym-based exercise program.
Sam has played sports his entire life, with the main focus being futsal and soccer, however he has dabbled in tenpin bowling, volleyball, badminton, tennis and table tennis. He enjoys discussing sports, and finds great enjoyment in hearing of his clients’ achievements and goals achieved in their return to sport journey. Sam also has cats and dogs as pets, and can easily talk about them (or your pets!) for hours.